Buick Enclave Forum - EnclaveForum.com

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LovemyClave 11-14-2011 02:20 PM

ay yo peeps
got me my new clave to do dem big thangs in while at the mall, yum sayin?

EnclaveLver 11-14-2011 02:21 PM

you gonna donk it out?

LovemyClave 11-14-2011 02:23 PM


EnclaveLver 11-14-2011 02:24 PM

Ima have to wait for lashandas pay check so i can get some spinnas like that mayne

LovemyClave 11-14-2011 02:37 PM

my lil boy had a 84 on swangas, waving bye to you punks

MECH 11-14-2011 03:00 PM

x12z on da clave

McClave 11-14-2011 03:16 PM

God damn kids these days, join the military that'll straighten ya out

EnclaveLver 11-14-2011 03:18 PM

i want to be a sailor :P

LovemyClave 11-14-2011 03:19 PM

nah playa, I dont agree with that, obama is right for taken dem boys outta there

McClave 11-14-2011 03:25 PM

we don't need hooligans like you, defending our freedom

LovemyClave 11-14-2011 03:26 PM

who you callin a hooligan you jerry atric

dietz4ibanez 11-14-2011 03:27 PM

lol LovemyClave

JaviCXL 04-06-2012 09:16 AM

Good Looking Enclave.

dietz4ibanez 04-18-2012 09:11 AM

I think that they look extremely classy myself!

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